
Sunday, October 30, 2011


I'm so domesticated :)  LOL
This afternoon I became a cooking/cleaning/baking fool!!!

I made chicken cheese quesadillas for lunch

then baked some chocolate chip peanut butter cookies (from a mix) and made an appetizer for tomorrow's pot luck at lunch.  I modified a pampered chef recipe for what I call chicken popovers:)

Seemless Crescent Rolls
1/4 C. minced yellow onion
2/3 can healthy request cream of celery soup
2 tsp light mayo
1 and 1/4 C. shredded cheddar cheese
2 C. shredded chicken breast (I used a rotisserie chicken...cheater) :)

How?  Using the sheet of seemless crescent rolls I cut one sheet into 24 squares.  I pressed the squares into a mini muffin pan.  Combine onion, chicken, 1 C. cheese, mayo, and soup in a small bowl.  scoop mixture into each mini muffin cup.  Sprinkle remaining cheddar cheese on top.  Bake at 370 for 15 minutes.  Voila!  These little guys are so yummy!

After the Ravens Game...WOO HOO RAVENS!  I hit the road for 2 miles of really feel good - awesome running (8 minutes running, 2 minutes walking)!  It felt really good.  Especially after a somewhat sedentary week!  WOO HOO!  I ROCK! - LOL

When I got home I was hungry so I had some oatmeal

Dearest hubby picked up a new kind of oatmeal.  At least it is quick cook.  I think I like rolled oats better but these will do for now.

I got to thinking about the pot luck tomorrow and got concerned there wouldn't be enough sweet stuff (and the boys ate the peanut butter cookies I made to bring...whoops).  I decided to make some dessert hummus (choc. chip cookie dough dip)  Mmmmmmm, this stuff rocks.  This pic looking into my bullet cup is cool (I think)

I have slightly modified this recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie and Green Lite Bites.  Here is what I did:

1 can chick peas (rinsed)
2 tbsp smooth peanut butter
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp vanilla
1/3 C. Vanilla almond milk
1/8 tsp. salt
3 tbsp mini choc. chips

I add everything except the choc chips to the bullet blender cup and blend, I have to shake and blend and shake and blend.  Sometimes I have to add more almond milk.  Then I stir in the choc. chips and serve with some whole grain graham crackers.

Mmmmmm...can't wait to enjoy this stuff tomorrow. 

Right now I'm chillin by the fire.  It was pretty chilly today so the fireplace got a test run.  I LOVE OUR FIREPLACE!
 Now I have to prep for tomorrow...I don't think I mentioned it here yet but Halloween at TESSCO is crazy!  Each team has a theme and it is a huge competition.  We've had some crazy Halloweens.  My team has been "High School cliques", a circus, Holidays, this year we are aliens.  I'll post pictures tomorrow.  I HEART HALLOWEEN!

I need to wake up extra early to get ready...time to go

Coffee by the Pound...

Thursday night was a rotten night...we didn't get much sleep between the puppy and Livie it was rough.  I was exhausted all day.  Friday morning, I decided an extra large coffee was in order (instead of my normal large) 

Flu Shots for the rest of the buildings meant that I was swamped all day!!!  breakfast was from the deli downstairs.  Eggs with Ham and a few potatoes.  (oh and lots of ketchup) Mmmmmmmmm

Lunch was a turkey avocado sandwich with some baked chips and a monster :)  After work I came back to Mom's to try on my costume (Wilma) and we had some yummy pizza and a salad from a childhood favorite (pizza johns) SO good and greasy :)  **good thing this was my meal off** 

What a crazy weekend (so far)...
Saturday (day off) morning DJ had to help my bro and SIL move.  Oh and we woke up Saturday to SNOW!  SNOW IN OCTOBER!  This is a big deal around here :)  The last time we had snow in October was 1979.  This meant I had to bake...there is something about snow and baking for me :)  I made breakfast cookies.

When hubby got home, the boys and I ran to the party store for a few odds and ends for halloween :)  Then we had our annual Halloween party to go to.  I'll have pictures later :)  Here are pictures from earlier in the day...Livie and Link *Pebbles and Bam Bam* - so cute

Mason in his zombie makeup :)  We had to take a few pics before I could get him to be serious and scary.  I think he did a good job.

I made the coolest pumpkin shaped cheese ball.

I ate and ate and ate...then I ate some more.  But that is what parties are about right?  I also had 2 glasses of wine and a shot of some sort of moonshine that Lauren made (it was pretty yummy)

Later Saturday night DJ said he was hungry and the junk I'd eaten earlier had gone through my system too :)  He wanted wings and I decided why not>!?!  I got a chicken cheese steak.  It was delicious!!!  Mason came down stairs, smelling the yumminess.  He and I split half of this sub and DJ had the other half.  so I only had about a quarter of this...not bad and totally worth it!  I love intuitive eating!!!

Livie and I slept in until about 7am then we went to the diner for breakfast (I got my usual)

Then we went to church. 
Now we're home and I have to figure out lunch for us...we shall see :)

Exercise has been sparse this weekend...I will take a walk tonight with some neighbors and I'm sure I'll feel better after that!

That's all I got for now

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crash & Burn

I had a pretty good day at work..lots of stuff going on.  It started strong with coffee and a veggie sausage bfast sammie :)

Meal #2 was a Kind first.  OMG this thing was SO GOOD!  by far the BEST protein bar I've every had!  If you've never tried them...go and get one - NOW!  LOL

I met a broker friend out at Chili's (free lunches rock)!  I did have a couple of chips - Gasp :)

Then a side salad with balsamic (on the side...dipped with fork)

and some chicken and green chili soup (with avocado)

This was actually a very fulfilling lunch :)

This afternoon I felt exhausted...I felt a hard crash!  My monster helped but didn't cure me completely of being pooped :)

Taco Night!  I bought some whole wheat tortillas at the grocery store so I used them to make my tacos :)  Can't find the picture though...LOL

I went to aerobics and came home to a shoe casualty; puppy strikes again.  He is lucky I love him; these were my fav pumps.  LOL

Aerobics was good but I'm just exhausted!  I'm sure it has to do with my monthly visitor but it doesn't change that fact that I'm wiped!  Time for me to hit the hay

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Today was a little crazy...

I stopped for breakfast at Dunkin for my usual

 I had to run back and forth between all 3 buildings today and I had a little bit of chana then decided I wanted a sandwich...Rye Bread with Turkey and Avocado.  There was SO MUCH avocado on this sandwich I had to take off more than half of the turkey and avocado but it was really yummy :)

This morning before I left for work I put beef stew into the crock pot.  It was really yummy.  I made quick drop biscuits and voila - DINNER!  I HEART the crock pot!

After homework and was time to get Mase to church for CCD (Reconciliation).  I had to have him there by 6p and DJ had class all night.  6pm also happens to be Livie's bed time.  This made for an uphappy baby.  I needed to go to Target for some stuff...then we headed back to get Mason. 


Sometimes I love my crazy life but I'll be honest...tonight wasn't my favorite crazy night.  I think I'm also PMSing so that didn't help :(  I was kinda grumpy as were the kids so it made for a kinda rough night.  Oh well...tomorrow is a new day, right?!?! 

Time for a Green Monster and Modern Family :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Beached Whales

Today started like most (cue oatmeal)

Then I got a call at 8:30 from my mom..."I think Livie's arm is out of socket"  EEK...time to go to the pediatrician.  I love our peds office...they are great.  The Dr walked in and said...yup, I know what it is - Nursemaid Elbow.  Whatever it was fixed quick and easy.  Livie was back to 100% within seconds.  However, this picture is pathetic.

Cutie pie...

I got back to work within 30 minutes of leaving and still had time to go to the party store to get Halloween stuff.  Lunch was some leftover spaghetti and this delicious salad

On the way back from the bus stop, Mason was pushing livie in her stroller (too fast) and they toppled over and caused poor Livie to have her 2nd oopsie in the same day!

She is fine but holy moly did she have a day?!?!

I made a delicious pizza for dinner

Back to the title of today's post?!?!  Terri and I had Aerobics tonight and during one particular move...we had to lie on our bellies and felt like beached whales :)  LOL...then we had to do swimming motions with our hands.  LMAO!  We were laughing pretty hard but at least we didn't get yelled at this time. update:  OMG...I AM SO SORE!

I got home and I was a little hungry so I whipped up my monster (that I didn't get to make at work today)

That's all I got...SO TIRED

Monday, October 24, 2011

Game On...guess it works

This morning while I was driving into work I seriously contemplated telling Amy that I didn't think it was a good idea for me to continue the game.  I would just be pulling down our scores b/c I didn't pay attention at all yesterday (with the race and all).  Well...when I got to work I reviewed all that I'd eaten and the times and I realized I had actually had a perfect score day *weird*  LOL

I guess the game that is reinforcing my good habits has caused me to live by more of a routine for me :) 

Anyway...breakfast was delicious oatmeal then a GM (as usual)

I met an old friend for lunch today at Jason's Deli.  I got a half whole wheat turkey sandwich with some tomato soup with fruit as my side

Then Carol talked me into some free ice milk :) is self serve so I just had a little squirt on a cone (the cone is the best part anyway)

I had some cheese and crackers then dinner was my italian turkey sausage sauce with whole wheat angle hair pasta...I added some ricotta cheese to my pasta (b/c it is my new favorite thing to do) LOL

 you can see how hot it was...YUM

I finally took a picture of my bib from the race yesterday

and I'm finally starting to feel less sore thanks to these little babies :)
I took today off from exercise and I'm going to bed now

Sunday, October 23, 2011


[uh-cheev-muh nt]
noun defines Achievement as: 1. something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed:

I don't know if what I did today was heroic or that I did it with superior ability but I do believe that I displayed special effort and great courage :)  LOL  Today was the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure - my very 1st 5k.  I finished the race (although we started in an odd way).  It was SO CROWDED!!!  There were a ridiculous number of people at the event that it made starting at the finish line almost impossible.  We did 2 miles of the actual race and finished really strong!  I actually will look forward to running a real 5k sometime soon.  This was a good starter :)

Here we are (bandanna and all).  fuzzy I know...:(
 Before the race...I had oatmeal (I HEART HONEY)

After the race...Terri and I went to Panera where we got the Breakfast Power Sandwich :)

We came home and I decided I needed to dye my hair...It turned out SO GOOD!  I'm really happy with the warm brown color it came out to.  (don't mind the pose...I was trying to get the light to hit the color just right)

I feel like I didn't sit down today...we had to park 1.4 miles from the race start/finish which we walked :)  So added to our 2 miles (we ran) that makes about 5 miles.  Then I came home and made lunch for the kids...dyed my hair...took a shower (whew)...took a walk with the kids/dog (crazy I know)...went to the grocery store...then my sis, Linc and her DH came over to see the puppy...then dinner...get ready for the week...OMG

By the time I sat down...I knew it was a bad decision b/c my shins, ankles, and feet are KILLING me!!!  I'm a whimp :)

Dinner was sweet potato hash (can you tell I love this stuff)?  and an egg

Now I'm going to sleepy 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Newest Member of our Family...

Friday was a little crazy at work...breakfast was standard with GM and Oatmeal :)  Lunch was a ginormous salad...with a chicken chili lime burger (TJs) and peanut vinaigrette - YUM!!!

Then I had to run out and get lolly pops for the flu shots.  We give free flu shots to team members at work and of course I coordinate it :)  Grace and I went to Wegmans and under estimated the # of lolly pops that were in our little bag...whoopsie :)  LOL 

After the flu shots the boys (who'd been off for the day) picked me up and we went to an animal shelter to look at doggies...we got there a little late so we could only look at these lil dudes through the fence.  Mooch is a Neapolitan Mastiff and at only 8 months old he was a MONSTER.  Research on the breed said they are really sweet but this dude was still a puppy (an enormous puppy) we decided to come back on Saturday to play with him and make a decision.

After seeing the pups we went out to eat at Red Robin (Yummmmmm) LOL  This was my meal off and it included french fries :) 

I had a cobb salad with dressing that I used very little of (dipping your fork ROCKS)

The boys got dessert but I refrained :)
We met an old friend out and had a great time over some Margaritas :)  SO GOOD!

This morning was crazy..I didn't sleep well and we had to wake up early to get downtown for the heartwalk.  I stopped at Dunkin for my usual and with Davina and Livie we headed downtown for the AHA 5K heartwalk.  It was kinda a cluster...and after we left we headed back to the Animal Shelter to see Mooch and make a decision.  It was kind of an easy decision b/c Mooch knocked over Livie and Dom (causing Dom to get a knot on his head)...oh well...we returned to the doggie area and a little guy who'd had my eye since Friday night caught my eye again and I decided he needed to be mine!!! 

Meet the newest member to our family, Rocky!  Rocky is a doberman/lab mix and the sweetest thing in the world!!!  We're working on housetraining him and we'll take him to puppy school within the next few weeks.  He is only 12 weeks old but really great with the kids and a real sweetie pie.  I'm in love!

After we got home and chilled with our new little buddy...we went to get some family photos done and went to dinner at Red Lobster :)  Dom's request...

I got the Maple Glazed Salmon and Shrimp.  It was delicious (I even let myself have a bay biscuit with my salad)  YUM :)

I only ate about half the salmon and 3 of the shrimp.  It was delicious...
Alright...time for me to go to sleep.  I'm exhausted and I have the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure tomorrow (which I'm going to mostly run) first 5K :)

Gnight Neverland...