
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Death by Squats


This morning started like most...

Lunch was left over spaghetti squash with sauce 

Snack - meal #3 was

Meal 4 AKA Dinner...was eggs with ham a half bagel flat and some potato hash (Livie at most of the potatoes and half of my bagel flat) LOL

 100 calorie allowance?!?!  Cookie Please :)

Meal 5 was eaten later tonight...some quinoa with triscuits for dipping :)

I was happy with the food today! gluteus maximus is KILLING ME!!  Di (aerobics instructor) attempted to kill me with squats last night!  OUCH!  I haven't been able to walk right all day and I can't tell you how difficult it has been to transition from standing to sitting and visa versa ALL DAY!  I know this is good pain but holy moly...!!!! 
This made me LOL

So what did I do?  I took a walk with the boys earlier today and that will have to do for my 20 minutes.  If my rear doesn't feel better tomorrow I will skip Aerobics and just run tomorrow night.  I need to boost my minutes running anyway (it may help to stretch me out).  We start with the big balls next Tuesday *YAY* 

Game On Check In?!?!
Did you take your Iron Supplement? - YES
Did you curse? - NO
Did you eat 5 sanctioned meals? - YES
Did you do 20 mintues of cardio? - YES
Did you drink your water? - YES
Did you sleep? - I SURE PLAN TO - LOL

Another Perfect Score DAY!


TESSCO Healthbeat

realizing that you may want to learn something and not just hear my ramblings each day...

Weekly, I post an informative topic that I've done TONS of research to prove/disprove.  The topics are really informative and we discuss them each week at wellness meetings, held at TESSCO :)

If you'd like to see what we are and have talked about this year...please feel free to read and subscribe to my other blog:

That's it :)

(edited from original version)...draft posted by accident

Spaghetti Squash...Mmmmmm

We were so spoiled by the weather over the last few weeks.  Beautiful sunny days in the 60s :) 

It rained all day!!!  perfect for Oatmeal:

Livie had a doctor's appointment (just well baby)...she got 4 shots :(  and is in the 100th percentile for her height - TALL GIRL!  her weight is only in the 40th percentile...

these socks were made for me by a co-worker...I LOVE THEM!

Meal #2 AKA - Lunch #1 consisted of some quinoa and black beans :)

 Meal #3 AKA - Lunch #2 was sushi (I'm OBSESSED)

Meal #4 was cheese and crackers

My 100 calories consisted of one of these little buggers!!!  I HEART Peanut Chews!

I made Pasta sauce for dinner last night...Mmmmm with sweet turkey Italian sausage.

So what to serve it on?!?!  I made farfelle for the boys/girl and picked up a spaghetti squash for me.
 Yes I microwave EASY

Mmmmmm, I added a little scoop of ricotta cheese to my dish!  SO GOOD!

You'll be seeing alot of this b/c I made 2 containers for lunches this week :)

Game on Check List?!?!
Did you Curse? - NO
Did you take your iron supplement? - YES
Did you drink your water? - YES
Did you work out? - YES - AEROBICS kicked my butt!!!!
Did you eat 5 sanctioned meals? - YES
Did you snack? - only within my 100 calories


How are you doing with your fitness goal (adding minutes to runtime)?!? 
- Still at 12 minutes (gotta get to 13 by next Tuesday)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Taco Night


Habit Check?!?!
Bad Habit: did you curse? - Yes (minus points)
Good Habit: did you take your iron supplement? - Yes

did you drink 100oz water? - Yes
did you do 20 minutes cardio? - Yes (12 minutes)
did you eat 5 sanctioned meals? - Yes
did you have any snacks? - No

Meal #1 was a bagel flat with a veggie sausage and some low fat cheese

Meal #2 was triple C (cashews unpictured)

Meal #3 Sushi and a salad

Meal #4 was a 100% whole wheat bagel flat and a piece of low fat swiss cheese

Taco Night at the Floyd House...I love tacos:)  I had brown rice with taco meat and a little low fat cheese.  This was Meal #5 and was un pictured b/c my phone was dead :)

After dinner I did a quick mile run.  Still at 12 minutes straight but I have to get this to 13 minutes before Monday (this is my Game On Challenge to myself...each week I will increase my running by one minute)

After my run...Livie and I ran to Target and then I came home and spent some time with my boys!
It was a good day/night :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Mini Van - WHAT?!?!

So...Friday we took the plunge and bought a new vehicle (well new to us).  It is a 2010 Chrysler Town and Country Touring.  We got a GREAT deal on it and I'm happy with our choice.
(picture stolen from google images...I haven't taken a picture of ours yet - this is it tho)

It has power everything...the side doors open and close with power as does the hatch.  The boys will have a DVD player (being installed this week) we are finally done with this debacle until the explorer dies.  This will happen in the next year but I already have an idea of what I want so it won't be too complicated...

Let's see...what did I eat Friday?!  Dunkin for Breakfast then some cheese and crackers for lunch.  I stopped at Wendy's and got a grilled chicken sandwich then for dinner I had a Wawa wrap.  Not too great but it was a CRAZY day!!!

breakfast included some amazing oatmeal.  with pecans :)

Lunch was some pretzels b/c we had Thanksgiving take 2 at my SIL's house this weekend.  I'm proud of all my little servings :) 

All so I could have THIS piece of pie!!!!!!

We got home late Saturday and I went for a quick run (I'm up to 12 minutes of running straight - consistently) YAY!!! 

We had a little party for Linc's 2nd birthday.  Is it normal to love a nephew this much?!?!  I love this baby boy SO MUCH!  He is the sweetest little thing and I really love him like he were one of mine!

Meg and I made sesame street cupcakes, elmo, cookie monster and Oscar...they turned out SO CUTE!

Look at these babies :)  Too bad Linc was grumpin and Livie was running around being a mad woman!

I ate a bunch of junk and then went for a quick mile run (again 12 minutes straight) - Woot!!!

Today starts GAME ON: The Holiday Edition.  I'm pretty psyched to get back on track!!!  I'm doing a fitness goal this time:  I want to add one minute to my total run time each week.  That will get me up to 16 minutes straight by Christmas...maybe even more!  My Good Habit will be: taking my iron supplement.  and my Bad Habit will be: cursing.  I've gotta stop doing that!

My morning started with coffee and food is to be continued...


Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey and more...

It all starts with Turkey...Mmmmmmm
My Dad brined the turkey and it was so juicy! - GREAT JOB DAD!

My mom stuffing is amazing (but unpictured)...the picture was awful!  It is on my plate (below though)  This is the Green Been Casserole

Biscuits, b/c there wasn't enough carbs already (LOL)

Sour Kraut (the German in us I guess)...I HEART Sour Kraut!

Here is my flash was acting up (have I mentioned I need a new camera) - LOL

Sweet Potato Casserole...this dish gets special mention b/c OMFG...this was so sinful I can't even explain it!

In between dinner and dessert...we went for a little walk with the kids.  BTW, Livie had her first pigtails, she even stayed still for me to do them (true girly girl)  she wouldn't stay still for me to get a picture of them though :( 

Dessert was my first attempt at pecan pie (turned out really well), my sisters homemade apple pie, and a store bought pumpkin pie...I had a bite of each (I swear)

Even though I only had a little of everything...I still felt icky after dessert.  We forgot the coffee (just realizing now).  I had wanted to get a run in when we got home but was too pooped to muster the strength.  Oh well...

My mom wasn't feeling well all day but she muscled through and I have to say (other than that)...this was the BEST Thanksgiving yet!  I have dinner with my in-laws this weekend...Thanksgiving - take 2 :)

After we got home...I got in some cuddle time with the d-man.  We fell asleep early - missed the Ravens game but I know we won so---GO RAVENS!

Today I'm at work then we are shopping for a new car...a Minivan, gasp!!!  I never thought I'd own a minivan and to be honest...DJ will be driving it - LOL.

More on that later...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Turkey Day...

Running around Running around Running around yesterday...Wednesday was a little crazy.  Due to the car issues we had to figure out how to get me and dj to ork, whew!  With, my mom's help (as usual).  Breakfast was Dunkin usual and later in the morning I gave another new bar a try...BLECK!  That is all I have to say about this gross I had to spit out the bite I took :(  Oh well...I wasn't that hungry anyway...

Mom and I went out to lunch at Panera, BBQ chopped chicken salad, YUM! 

Found a new Fro Yo place in the festival (actually I remember Terri telling me about it) was really good but a jip.  The amount of yogurt you get is WAYYY too much but the machine comes out super quick.  Since I usually get Fro Yo for the toppings, I was disappointed with how expensive it was due to the quick pour on the fro yo machine which made my fro yo cost over $ was REALLY YUMMY!  I ended up throwing away most of the yogurt...

I ran to the grocery store to get everything for Turkey Day prep then made chicken with spinach risotto for dinner.  It was a hit!  Everyone ate and loved it. 

Around 6 I went for a quick one miler.  It is getting easier and easier to run longer distances.  I realize that perhaps stopping to walk in between has caused my pain issues in the past (or maybe my endurance has changed).  I did 12 minutes straight last night.  WOOT!  This is actually a pretty good self portrait from duing my run (in the dark)...
Today is turkey day...I'm thankful for so many blessings in my life.  My kids, my family, my job, my friends but to be honest...I'm most thankful for my wonderful husband.  With everything we go through and have been through lately and in the course of our life together...I would truly be nothing without him!  I'm one lucky lady!

Happy Turkey Day Everyone!!!  Dinner is at my moms house and I'll post food pics tomorrow...Mmmmmmmmmmm
Remember: Everything is fine in moderation!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Finding Blessings

another WOWZA yesterday...what is the saying?!  "When it rains it pours".  I left work yesterday at 2pm to pick up the boys from school then go all the way back to Falls Road (near my work) to take them to the pediatrician for a 4pm appointment (driving in the car for 2 hours = not fun).  note to self: find a pediatrician closer to Bel Air...  The pediatrician visit was great (we had to wait forever though)...

BLESSING 1: I have 3 beautiful healthy children

On the way home the power steering in my car went out.  I was so scared...I thought we were going to crash into something but luckily I was able to muscle the steering wheel to the gas station 7 miles away and ask for help.  Did I mention it was raining cats and dogs last night, my cell phone was dead and it was pitch black outside?!

BLESSING 2: I found us a safe place to find help

There was a very helpful gentleman in the gas station who helped me find and assess the issue.  After trying to add power steering fluid to the car, which didn't work.  I went back in to ask if I could use his phone to call AAA.  When Blessing #3 occured:

BLESSING 3: The gas station had a phone charger that matched my phone

We were able to maneuver the car into the McDonalds parking lot right next door to the gas station where I was able to get the boys something to eat and BONUS: charge my phone to call AAA and Hubby


Hubby and Livie came to the rescue so we wouldn't have to drive with a stranger tow truck driver.  We finally got the car to our garage and got home around 8:30 to put the kids to bed and get warmed up.  My feet were numb and my pants were wet to my knees

BLESSING 5: FRIENDS:  I called some friends to ask for help with some stuff at work and their heart felt concern and love, touched me to the core!!!  I am blessed to have AMAZING FRIENDS who care for me and my family so deeply *thanks Grace and Amy*

Hubby and I spent the night working on the budget and looking at cars (this may be the end of the road for jetta). 

BLESSING 6: My Mom, going above and beyond to help us AS USUAL!

BLESSING 7: The strength and support of my amazing marriage!

This morning as I was heading to the bathroom I passed a woman whose child is dying of a very rare and horrible disease.  She smiled and me and asked me how I was doing!??!  I am SO LUCKY!!!!  I can't even begin to list everything I'm so lucky for!!!!  As I sit here now with tears in my eyes I realize that I have EVERYTHING I need in the world and good things happen to those who have faith and love in their heart. 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This weekend was slam packed…with fun stuff, celebratory stuff, gross stuff, redecorating stuff, you name it!!!!  Here goes…

I finally got some alone time with the water/ice machine.  I HEART this contraption!


Oatmeal and a new meal bar rounded out my morning

Lunch was CAFÉ SPICE…Obsessed Much?!?!

 including rice pudding (so yummy)

I was uncomfortably full…like really full!!!  So full that dinner consisted of a coffee and kind bar.

Later Dom and I went to see the Bro and SIL’s new house.  It is a really beautiful townhome with gorgeous counters and wood floors.  There is nothing like seeing a new home to get you motivated to redecorate your own house…

Poor DJ…when I got home I told him, “that’s it…we need to swap these rooms”  The former family room feels a little dark (b/c of the paneling) and it needs to be a library/den and the formal living room has such great light and is so open this needs to be our family room.  It was done, we started moving furniture around and pictures.  I called Comcast to have them move our HD cable to the new room and eventually we’ll see if my BIL can install the TV above the fireplace.  It looks AMAZING!!!! (I should have taken before pictures, oops)

Then we had to hit the hay b/c we had an early day Saturday…

We chilled and the boys wanted McDonalds for breakfast (I caved) but I made myself some oatmeal.  DJ said I was making him feel bad so I added a few chocolate chips to my norm…OMG…SO GOOD!

Then it was a scramble to get ready for Mason’s first penance at Church!  So proud!!! 

I desperately want a new camera for Christmas!!!
We went out to lunch at a fav Italian place in town, Enotria.  Their lunch menu is great and very reasonably priced J  I got a salad, some bread and had a few pieces of white pizza. 

The rest of the day consisted of shopping for window treatments, hanging window treatments, doing leaves and another project (my family command center).  To help keep us organized.  I HEART crafty ideas and I HEART pinterest!!!
We ordered dinner from our La Tolteca and I wasn’t really feelin it so I just had their Mexican soup.  It is SO GOOD!!!  With lots of cut up veggies, carrots, onions, squash, zucchini, you name it! 

Then the fun begins…all I’m gonna say is that the Floyd House was attacked by the Plague!!!  WE ALL GOT IT (except DJ, Damn Him)

Dom at 7:30pm Saturday Night
Mason at 2am Sunday Morning
Livie at 11pm Sunday Night!

I stayed home Monday from work to sanitize my house!!!!!  I couldn't even think about food until last night, hence no blog...sorry for my absence, hopefully I'm back for good :)  The silver lining?!?!  I lost 6lbs and have a beautifully clean house.  I just now (Monday) am feeling better.  

Today has been Oatmeal and some Bean Soup, both have tasted good and have made me feel satisfied without making me feel icky… SCORE.  My appetite is still off, I won't complain about that though :)

Dinner will be light and AEROBICS will ROCK!

That’s all I got for now…TTFN