
Friday, January 31, 2014

Sister Love and Pain

I have to give a big shoutout to my sister!!!!  We started Aerobics together and this week has been tough but she is doing it with me and it is so much more fun when you have someone to go with!!!  I lover her :)  We laugh and have a blast!  I heart you sis :)

we are a hot mess but what do you expect for busting our ass in Boot Camp style aerobics for over an hour?!?!?  :)

I'm going to focus on my food this week because I've had some delicious stuff...

My breakfast has been alternating between my veggie sausage sammie and this:

PB with a little honey and a banana :)  YUM!!!

Lots of lunch meetings this week.  This was Wednesday's Lunch at The Wine Market.  I didn't think the soup was going to be creamy (dumpling soup) but as you can see it was.  I had 2 bites and let it go.

The Wine Market has the BEST brussels.  They have grapes, walnuts and BACON in them.  I only had a small serving even though I could have eaten them all.  Then I just had a ceaser salad with dressing on the side (fork dippin)

Today we had a meeting with Wegmans about their wellness prgrams for their employees and we decided to enjoy lunch there as well.  They had sushi without rice (just rice paper) which was only 130 calories (AND AMAZING) and this brussel sprout slaw which was TO DIE FOR!!!!

For dinner tongith I marinated some chicken and had zuchini with some brown rice medly from the freezer section.  Pretty delish!

Then aerobics :)

Great Week so far but I think I've hit a plateau of some sort.  Oh well.  I only lossed a half # but I'll take it.  

More later

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Flip the Switch

That is what it feels like.  Sometimes I’m afraid the switch will get flipped the other way and I’ll be back to my unhealthy ways but I honestly feel like on January 1st…something clicked inside of me.  I don’t feel like I’m on a diet…which you all know I hate!!  The below is from a post published February of 2012 (almost 2 years ago):  I’m back but it took 2 years!!!!

"While talking last night we moved onto the topic of dieting and eating and food and the lifelong battle.  I swear my conversations always end up on food.  It is very overwhelming to follow diet after diet after diet and track everything you eat and deprive yourself of this or that still to end up in the same or worse shape then when you started.  Oh and don't forget the emotional scars that come with the failure.  I was this girl...  I did the diets and actually had success with extreme weight loss until I stopped following said diet and then I ballooned right back to where I was (PLUS SOME).

With Clean Eating I try to eat foods with as few ingredients listed on the back of a package as possible.  If it is fresh baked bread, fruit, meat (without preservatives), fresh veggies, yogurt, whatever...  If it is a food with ingredients on the package that I can't identify or pronounce, I don't eat it.  It is amazing to me some of the things I used to eat...thinking they were healthy but they really weren't b/c my body didn't know what to do with the chemicals.  It has helped me to make healthier choices naturally b/c most of them are the healthiest choices available..

My philosophy??
- Don't deprive yourself, if you want it - have it just not ALOT of it
- Everything is fine in moderation.  you don't have to eat the whole cake, just have a small slice
- Eat mostly vegetarian, whole/clean foods
- Exercise most days

Oh and one of the most important things I've learned this year?!?  When you are full? - STOP EATING!"

I just feel like I’ve made it back to where I was…somehow I got lost.  I really need to keep an eye on myself :)

Food Wise??  Some highlights from the weekend included:

Date night w hubby
And Brussels sprouts:). Everything else was ordinary:)
Back to work and routine on Monday involved:

Veggie bfast Sammie and left over Brussels.

An amazing quinoa salad for lunch:). (Photo via google)

And left over pasta for dinner before hitting the gym:)

More later


Friday, January 24, 2014

Feeling Better...

Hola Friends!

I'm feeling so much better today.  Yesterday I had some outpatient surgery and was completely out of the pocket.  I don't even remember most of the day...mostly slept and dealt with some pain.  Glad that is over and I'm working from home today...  Between this snow and my surgery yesterday, I'm completely stir crazy :/  In need of an outing...  May txt my babysitter and see a movie with my hubby tonight.  We have been trying to get out and see Lone Survivor since last week.  I will try to hit the gym tonight for a 30 minute walk; before possible date note...I have to take it easy :)

Back to the rest of Wednesday and the end of Snowmageddon :)  I continued with the small meals which included tuna with crackers, a bowl of chili and chinese Chicken and Broccoli with some brown rice...and mostly just the Broccoli :)

Don't I look pathetic after my surgery?  hubby said I looked cute and took a picture :)  haha.  I was STARVING when we left the hospital and really needed a coffee so I had hubby stop at Starbucks where I got a small coffee and an oatmeal.  I ate to oatmeal too fast b/c it was noon and I was STARVING...and it made my belly really upset.  Then I came home and went to sleep...woke up around 4:30 and had some chicken noodle soup which was much better :)  then hit the hay again :)  

We are hanging out this morning...boys don't have to be to school til 11am.  More later


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fat Burning Tips

It's read and learn things along the way then you read or learn something else that conflicts with what you thought to be true previously...  Here I am thinking that certain things I'm doing at the gym are effective and I realize that it isn't true.  This can be disheartening but then you just suck it up and make adjustments.  I read the below article from quick read for anyone who is interested in fat burning theories.  This is by no means the bible of fat burning and chances are I'll read something next week that will contradict what I read advice - ADAPT :)

51 Fat Burning Tips from CNN

Some highlights include:

1. Catch the running bug. You'll continue to burn fat after your jog: People who run for at least four hours a week melt more calories than non-runners, even when they're not running, a Yale University School of Medicine study reports. DOING THIS!
2. Crank it up early. Working out harder during the first half of your workout and taking it easier during the second burns up to 23 percent more fat than doing the opposite, according to a study from The College of New Jersey.  WILL START DOING THIS
8. Speed up, slow down. Alternating bouts of high-intensity and low-intensity cardio has been shown to torch pounds. DOING THIS
14 & 15. Lift first, nix the rest. Doing strength training before cardio can torch more fat than cardio alone. And if you do one move after another without pausing, "you'll see more gains in strength and muscle mass," says Dr. Pierre Manfroy, M.D., consultant for the book "100 Ways to Supercharge Your Metabolism."  WILL START DOING THIS
35. Think before you drink. Sipping as few as 90 calories' worth of vodka can slow your metabolism by 73 percent, one study shows.  UGG...FORGOT THIS
36. Graze. Women who go without eating for long periods are more likely to have higher body-fat percentages than women who nosh more regularly, one study notes.  WILL START DOING THIS
Time to adapt...

I'll hit the gym tonight...once the roads are better :)
Working from home again today...thanks to our little blizzard from yesterday.

I'm staring to eat every 2 or so hours - around 200-300 calories a pop :)

7:30am was Coffee with a veggie sausage english muffin

10am was some tuna salad with triscuits

lunch will be some left over veggie chili that I pulled out of the freezer on Monday :)

something around 2:30 then dinner around 5pm...then gym :)

I'll keep you posted :)


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow day Smoothie

We had a blast today and I got a lot of work done win!  Just wanted to post some pics

Same goblet... 2 purposes :)
I needed some snow day wine then decided to end the day with some yoga and a green monster. 



Weekend Willpower

We had a beautiful weekend at the beach!!!  Visiting for my little cousin's Sweet 16th Birthday was fun but parties while trying to behave are tough :/  Thanks to my iron will power I'm up for the challenge.  THANK GOD!  

Aren't my cuties - cute?!

It all started Friday night with a trip to buffalo wild wings.  I got the black bean burger, no bun and a side salad with fat free ranch dressing.  It was really yummy!!!

BTW...french fries have surrounded me all weekend and I haven't touched them.  anyone who knows me knows that Fries are my kryptonite!! HAHA
before the trip to OC I made breakfast here and for me it included a boring WW english muffin with some chunky PB and a coffee then lunch was a stop at my fav restaurant in rehoboth but because I knew I had the party later in the day I got a ceasar salad with dressing on the side...  BORING!!!

At the party I parked myself near the veggie try but on the opposite side of the dip.  that means I ate veggies with very little dip.  WIN...  The probably was there was very little else I wanted (really didn't feel the cravings).  I ended up with fruit and a deviled egg so that I could have a beer.  HAHA.....  Is it a problem when you choose your food based on whether you'll be drinking or not?  haha
unfortunately after the party and on the way to the hotel I got light headed b/c I'd had barely anything to eat so we stopped at the grocery store and I picked up a can of progresso chicken noodle soup to have at the hotel.  #thinkapril

The boys even went out for ice cream on Saturday night...lucky me I didn't have to go with them :)  

I love the hotel we stay at b/c they have breakfast and that makes life easy for the kiddos.  I just toasted up an english muffin with some PB and a banana, for me.  Lunch we found a new place and I ordered the MD Crab soup which was delicious and a salad with the dressing on the side :)  Again...when I dip my fork I only ever end up using like a teaspoon of dressing...and I order whatever dressing I want (which makes me happy happy happy).

For dinner we met up with family and I had THE MOST AMAZING ahi tuna salad.  O...M...G  it was so good AND I had a grapefruit crush which was like heaven!!  haha  (no sprite, just club soda to cut the sugar a little)
Monday was a holiday and I didn't have to work so we went to visit DJ's Nanny...we went out to eat (AGAIN) and I got a ceasar salad with dressing on the side (AGAIN)  haha...  I also had some ham and bean soup which was legit.

Today it is snowing like CRAZY...blizzard conditions and as I discussed with my girlie, at the gym then grocery store...why is it during the snow we want comfort food?  IDK but I was craving brussel sprouts...haha  I'm a weirdo.  I bought cookies for the kiddos :) this was earlier this am and it is expected to continue all day

Today included my sweet potato hash with an egg and lunch was a tuna WW pita pocket with roasted brussels :)

Gym Check in?

  • Friday - 8pm
  • Saturday - 7am
  • Sunday - walked the boardwalk in OC for at least 30 minutes (it was GORGEOUS)
  • Monday - 7pm
  • Tuesday - 10am  (worked from home thanks to the blizzard)
Check Check Check

I'm having some minor surgery on Thursday so the gym won't happen that day but it is ok...I'm on the ball batman!!!  :)

Tonight I think I'm making some baked chicken with potatoes :)  more later

Friday, January 17, 2014

Choices and Poki Sauce

Almost everything that happens is our lives is our choice.  I’m not talking about tragedies or illness or accidents…  I’m talking about day to day life.  If you wake up early enough you won’t have a rushed morning leaving you feeling stressed.  If you go to bed early enough, you’ll get plenty of rest to wake up earlier.  Even down to the job you have…it is all a choice.  If you dread work each day, find a new job.  Happiness is everything!!  Money does not beget happiness….I swear :)

I know that I am where I am today due to my choices.  Let’s run down a short list:
  • I chose to go on a crash diet when I was 16 – forever maiming my metabolism
  • I chose to gain 100 # with my pregnancy with Mason
  •  I chose to lose 60 # 2 years ago
  • I chose to change jobs and take on more stress and responsibility
  • I chose to gain 40 # last year by choosing to:
o   Eat poorly
o   Not exercise
o   The kitchen was an excuse

Just take it one choice at a time.  If you make a healthier choice at each junction, you will find success in whatever your goal may be. 

A Timeline of choices:
Wake up:  hit the snooze on the alarm or just get up? 
Breakfast or no Breakfast?
Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel or Oatmeal?
Park right next to the door or park a little further away?
Veggie Burger with side salad (dressing on the side) or Cheese Burger with Fries?
Watch TV on couch or go to the Gym (and watch TV while on the treadmill)?

I often hear people make excuses and that is their choice – to make an excuse.  If you just did what you were thinking about instead of thinking about it…you would probably be a lot happier and more successful at whatever it is your trying to achieve.  This can be applied to so many things: housework, schoolwork, work work, exercise, losing weight, and so much more…  I’ve started and want to continue with the positive choices I’m making right now.  I’m choosing to eat healthy and I’m choosing to exercise EVERY DAY – NO EXCUSES! 

GREAT NEWS!!!  It’s official I’m down 10 # since January 1st – WAHOO!!!   Keep on truckin :)

Last night was a comedy of errors.  I busted my bottom to get home, eat dinner and get to my aerobics class only to realize it had been canceled AND I had an email from the instructor reminding me :/  Damn Science Fair at the middle school…kidding…  Instead I hit the gym and rocked my c25k week 2 and 10 minutes on the elliptical while I watched Honey Boo Boo….OMG THAT FAMILY IS HYSTERICAL :)

I got it all in and it felt great!  Got home and watched TV for too long then was tired…then couldn’t get warm…then took a 2nd shower to warm up at 11:30…then had to blow dry my hair…then woke up at 3am to use the loo…then livie woke up at 5am to be put back down…then alarm went off at 6am.  UGG!!!  I got up and out of the house without too much hassle but man am I sleepy today :/

Today has been a pretty yummy day that included oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast

and a BARA CHIRASHI BOWL from Ra (Tuna, salmon, yellowtail, shrimp, avocado & cucumber with Asian green vegetables, mixed with poki sauce; served over rice)  I only ate a few bites of the rice but man am I ticked!!!  I JUST looked it up to see it was 850 calories!!!!!  DANG IT!  That makes me mad.  I was so sure it was a good choice…must be the damn poki sauce.  URGGGGG!!!  I got it because I thought it was the healthiest choice but if I’d gotten what I really wanted – Salmon Bento Box – it would have only cost me 600 and I never eat the rice on that dish so it would have only been like 400!!!  Darn Darn Darn.  Oh well, I’ve learned my lesson and will check the menu no matter how sure I am of the choices.

The pic is beautiful though right?! :)

That’s all for now…gym tonight


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chew your food...

I eat WAY TOO FAST!!!  I really need to think about what I'm eating and chew my food more.  I'm not sure when I started eating fast.  It could be when I was a server while in college; I don't think it is from my childhood...I'm not sure.  I know that today for lunch I sat down at my desk with a salad and small side of brussel sprouts at 11:55 and when I looked at the clock again, and my food was gone, it was 12:06.  HOLY MOLY!!!  I felt a little sick to my stomach and I'm not sure I even really enjoyed my lunch ( was delicious).

I went online and found this article on livestrong about how many times we should new our food:
The problem with the way most people chew their food is that it is done too fast. According to the Health Link BC website, it takes up to 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that your stomach is full. During that 20-minute period, it is easy to consume portions you don’t need. Westchester University of Pennsylvania suggests chewing your food 30 to 50 times per mouthful. This will help slow you down, and mix the food thoroughly with saliva to help digestion. Also be sure to swallow what is in your mouth before taking another mouthful.
 I am going to start thinking about my bites of food and try to be more conscious of chewing my food...who's with me?!  :)

Just for a giggle...we should not eat our food like this:

Food Journal Time (so far today)

Breakfast:  egg whites with spinach and green peppers and a whole wheat english muffin.

Lunch: Salad with carrots, beets, a little goat cheese, a few croutons and honey lemon dressing.  A side of balsamic brussel sprouts and a snack of triscuits and cheese.
That's it for now...more tomorrow (or tonight if I'm up to it)

Aerobics tonight...  Can't wait


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

App Drama and What's Beautiful

I just typed an entire post about my UAWell program at work and the great group of people I work with but it got wiped out!!!!  one stroke of a key and the entire flipped post got wiped out!!!!  URGGG

I can't do it again...too pooped :)

I do honestly need to get more positive with myself.  I must stop being so hard on myself.  I've gotten pretty good about not saying negative things about my body out loud but I still think them constantly.  Why do I do this?  I feel pretty sometimes...  I think I have nice hair and a nice smile.  I can see some of what makes me beautiful in my daughter...She is the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen and everyone says we look just alike so I must be beautiful, right?!

When it is just a head shot I can see what could make me pretty.  However when I see myself in a mirror or if by some chance someone gets a full body photo I can't see anything but the flaws in my body and my weight.  It is hard for me to really think of myself as attractive when I think about or see my body...   My husband, bless his heart, doesn't agree with me.  He tells me I'm beautiful all the time...then why don't I believe it???  I really need to work on this...

Alright Debbie Downer has left the building :)  hehe

Today was pretty great and included egg whites with spinach and a wheat english muffin with a drizzle of honey.

Lunch was a salad with chicken, a little feta, chick peas, carrotts, beats and some croutons with some tahini dressing...Mmmmmmmm

Dinner was whole wheat pizza with ricotta, spinach and onions.  SO GOOD!!!

I hit the gym with Terri and did C25k and 5 minutes on the elliptical.  Sweating like a crazy person...workout DONE!!!  Felt great now I'm watching Furious 6 with hubby and will hit the sack early.  

Make the day great!!

So...How'd it go??

Had a blast last night but didn't get home until 9:30 PM :/  That meant no gym b/c I was just too dang tired.  I should have went yesterday morning.  It's ok, I'll just take a pass for the day (Shhhhh, don't tell anyone) haha.  Just a quick Food Journal then I'm off to my crazy day.

Morning was same ole...bfast sammie
Lunch had 2 parts, some mushroom soup from this weekend then I met a friend and needed some greens...

Our Cafe at work was CRAZY BUSY yesterday...the lines were nuts and it took me 20 minutes to get this little baby made :)  It consists of greens, chick peas, carrots, beets, chicken, asparagus, some crumbled pita chips for texture and green goddess dressing (SO STINKIN GOOD) and healthy!!  It is made here by our catering company.  Base is greek yogurt :/  Mmmmmmmmmm 

Then the outing...  we had an appetizer of hummus with veggies

For dinner I got talked into the veggie plate by by co-worker/friend.  She is uber healthy and a marathoner so I took her advice and ordered this instead.  The salmon would have still been good but I saw it come out to someone else's table and it didn't look THAT appetizing.  Hehe...  So I went with the veggie plate.  Description below:

The mushroom was outstanding...  The spinach was just ok and the gratin was very cheesy :)  I only had half of that... but could have eaten the whole thing :)  2 glasses of wine may have happened and we had a GREAT time!!

Now on to my crazy day... more later :)

BTW...I had 169 pageviews yesterday!!!  HOLY MOLY!!!  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Eating Out 101

OK Class, time for a lesson on eating out while you are trying to eat healthy.  Sometimes menus can be deceiving and it is good to completely read the menu and vet out all your choices rather than make a game time decision.  That can be dangerous especially if you are starving by the time you order; it may sabotage your intention for the night.  Prepping to eat out should include a full review of the online menu.  It is even better if you can find nutritional information but sometimes that isn't possible, specifically when it is a local restaurant and not a chain (restaurants are required to include nutritional info in certain states so most chains just do it for all).  Sometimes an appetizer is the best choice with a house salad (dressing on the side).  The portion is usually smaller and most entrees could feed 3 people (and of course if you are like me…you would eat all 3 servings by yourself).  If you really want an entrée, my suggestion is to ask for a takeout container when your entrée comes to the table and before you even take a bit, put half of it in the container…then Bon Appetite :) 

When looking at an item on the menu remember you can alter them.  You can get a cobb salad, just ask for it without bacon and with the cheese and dressing on the side (I HEART CHEESE so I’d add just a little).   You can get the chicken entree just ask for it without the cheese and instead of mashed potatoes ask for greens (dressing on the side) or a side veggie (prepared without butter).  Restaurants use butter on nearly everything so if you tell the waiter that you would prefer to omit the butter they are usually very accommodating.   

OK…now you've made your choice early in the day when you weren't hungry so when you get to the restaurant, make sure your item is on the menu then CLOSE THE MENU!!!  Don’t look at anything else!! J  One more note…the freebie on the table at some restaurants?? bread and/or tortilla chips??  Don’t Touch Them!!!!  Unless they are worked into your choice – LOL.  When we go to Bertucci’s I order a cup of the minestrone soup (180 Calories) for my dinner so I can have 2 of their rolls.  It is SO WORTH IT!!!  Make the conscious choice – don’t mindlessly eat stuff.  Most importantly remember you are there to spend time with people not to sabotage your healthy progress.  RIGHT>!?!?

Tonight I am prepping for a business dinner outing.  We are heading to Heavy Seas Ale House (I've heard good things about this place).  I pulled up the menu online and discovered this restaurant is not known for it’s healthy choices...haha.  Everything has bacon and cheese on it but looks really yummy.  I found this area of the menu which seems better than others (no nutritional info on the website since it is a local place).

I really want the Roasted Butternut Squash Soup (it has bacon in it…I’ll ask if it can be omitted but if not I still want it).  I’m very picky about my crab cakes so I’m not sure about that item...but the fennel salad looks really yummy.   I’ll probably end up with the soup and the  Chopped Salad (dressing and cheese on the side - no olives) but may ask after the Crab Cake (no bacon) to see what the server says…hoping he/she is a local and will give me an honest opinion.  So that is my plan…I will take a brief look at the menu when I get there then move on to the conversation.  Oh and I will probably have a glass of wine.  Yes Yes I know it is an ale house but I am not a microbrew girl

I’ll check in either later tonight or tomorrow morning…

P.S. just found this after a second glance at the menu.  This Salmon has a high probability of happening :)  Sans Soup but I may still have a side salad :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Milkshake Monday

Hola friends...busy day, I'll explain later :). Just a check in with food journal tonight.

I started with a veggie sausage and English muffin bfast sammie

Snacks included a protein bar (I won't buy these again...too many ingredients). And a banana...

Lunch was blackened tilapia from green turtle (vendor lunch) was just ok and a bowl of crab soup:)

Vendor lunch, so no pic...sorry

After lunch I had a halo clementine:)

And dinner was shrimp fajitas:). So good with Greek yogurt on top....

Of course it was milkshake Monday for the kids...I almost made a green monster but decided to paint my nails instead...haha

Now I'm watching Juan Pablo.  

 More tomorrow I promise.  
Oh just a note; I hit the gym- win!


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Chili Secrets

Hola Amigos :)

Recipe time... but first was lunch.  I found a soup mix at Giant (minestrone)...Mmmmm  Just add water

I was able to get lunch for the whole week out of that little package of soup mix and 10 cups of water :)  

Be excited...I'm about to divulge all of my most prized Chili secrets to you...hehe.  I actually made 2 pots of Chili today.  One veggie and one ground turkey.  

I'll point out the differences as necessary..

First I started with a big green pepper, a big yellow onion, 2 jalapenos, 1 pablano pepper, 1 zucchini and 1 yellow squash sauted in 2 tablespoons of EVOO

In a second pot I started the ground turkey for DJ's man version without the beans :)

After the meat was ground I split the veggies by adding half to the meat, I added one can of black beans and one can of kidney beans to the veggie pot.

Secret #1: I add 1/4 C of Cocoa Powder to my chili...  adds a very deep and rich flavor.  Similar to the Mayan chocolate concept of chilies in chocolate.  I added a 1/4 C to each pot...

I also added 1 packet of chili seasoning to each (I like Old El Paso Brand)

Next I added one and a half cans of diced tomatoes to each pot.

Secret #2: I add beer to my chili.  I added 1/2 a beer to each pot and let it reduce till there was very little liquid left.  about 20 minutes on medium.

to boost the veggie value I added a half bag of baby spinach to each pot

at the very end I added 2 tablespoons of brown sugar to cut the acid in the tomatoes.  

To the veggie pot I added brown rice

And there you have it!!  I let it simmer for a few more minutes then served with a little low fat cheddar cheese and a scoop of non fat plain green yogurt.  YUM!!!

I also made a little pan of corn bread :)  

After our chili eating we chilled and watched Pocahantas...Livie is currently obsessed with it.
Livie and I had 2 cuties (those little oranges are addictive)

Then I hit the gym for about 35 minutes of walking and elliptical with the girls.

I'm not feeling so hot (other wise I would have done C25k today)...and now I'm watching Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2.  Ready to start a new week :) 

Good night Moon...TTFN