
Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Offical

It's official I'm a runner!!!  LOL  We ran 1.8 miles last night without only a .2 mile break in the middle (walking).  IT FELT GREAT!  We're taking tonight off but will be back on Saturday morning! 

Food has been a little crazy this week.  Lunch has been standard veggie burger/salad until yesterday.  We went to Cafe Spice...OMG...I get in trouble here.  It was so good and I ate WAY too much.  I felt ill all night only had some mussels blanco at the restaurant where we went for dinner and a glass of wine.  Then we ran almost 2 miles but I still gained back 2lbs I'd lost earlier this week.  I hope I can keep it together at the pool this weekend.  I've GOT to figure out how to keep the snacking to a minimum.  No idea but I'll figure it out.  Tonight is crabs at the pool with my mom and dad.  Saturday will be pool all day and Sunday we may drive to Chesapeake Beach Water Park b/c I have passes and it would be fun :)

TTFN all :)  215.5

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Holy Moly

We RAN last night.  Like REALLY RAN!!!  We ran almost the entire route (just under 2 miles)!!!  Thanks to Terri for pushing me!!!!  I'm very proud of us!

Food is being crazy but I'm really happy at my progress over the last two days.  I'm back to my stuck spot: 213.  This was my weight when we left for Ireland.  I'd really like to be 209 sometime soon!!!

GM still every day, good protein breakfast, lunch has been light, snacks have been sparce, b/c I'm SO BUSY!  Exericse is happening every day...WOOT!

Friday, July 22, 2011


Work stress is overwhelming!!!  I'm sitting here with my glass of wine and about another hour worth of work.  Food is good and I did walk last night (101*) UGG!  We couldn't bring ourselves to run.  I'm sitting on the couch tonight. I got to work at 6am this morning and didn't leave until 6pm.  I had 2 peices of pizza for dinner and I'm sitting on my but with a lap top in my lap :)

Time to get back to work...This weekend should be nice (albeit HOT)
TTFN - 215

Thursday, July 21, 2011


REALLY!  Forget cooking!  Forget outside exercise!  It will be 103* today with a heat index of 115*.  We didn't run last night b/c (a) it was too hot (b) I got my little visitor and had really bad cramps (c) IT WAS TOO HOT!!!  I didn't even cook dinner so the beloved chicken was tossed out :)  Mase spent the night with his mom mom last night so we took Dom and Olivia to Chuckie Cheese.  It was ok...I got the salad bar but the people there are so bizarre.  Why are people so rude sometimes?  I know, a question for the ages...

Today will be good food wise
Breakfast: eng muffin/veg sausage/lf cheese sammie, GM
Snack: Watermelon
Lunch: Eng muffin/veg burger/lf cheese sammie, RF cheese nips
Snack: Watermelon & Apple
Dinner tonight will be out.  I just can't turn on my oven or stove top!  IT IS SO RIDICULOUSLY HOT!

I will make a valiant attempt to run tonight.  I have the PTA meeting at the new school so hopefully this will end early enough that I can make it home to run before it gets too dark (I do want to wait until it cools down a little).  UGG...I will melt today (Ohhhh, wouldn't that be nice? LOL)

TTFN (215.5)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Running and Talking...

This week I've been a Rockstar!  Exercise every day!  Eating lots of veggies!  Not Snacking after 6p!  GOOD STUFF!!!

Last night was my first night back to running with Terri.  I do more when I have a partner in crime!  We timed out runs.  I've signed up to run my first 5K...Race for a Cure in we are training for this.  It is really great to talk while running.  (a) I know I'm not over doing it (b) I LOVE TO TALK!  LOL

So yesterday was really good food wise:
Breakfast:  coffee w/ 1tbsp cream, veg sausage/thin slice lf cheese/eng muffin, Green Monster!
Lunch: Chicken and rice/beans, Greens and Cherry Toms, Apple with 1tbsp natural PB
Snack: Watermelon!  YUM
Dinner: 1 C. Baked Ziti from Poulet (dinner service) - really good!!!

That was it...then ran 2 miles (ish) with Terri
GREAT DAY YESTERDAY - even if the head index was 110*

Today will be a little different but still good.  For some reason I woke up STARVING this morning.  I NEVER wake up hungry so this was weird.  I had a banana on the way to work and Wednesday mornings I treat myself to Dunkin Donuts.  I got a large coffee w/ cream and a egg white/turkey sausage/flat bread sandwich.  I've already consumed that.  Around 8a I'm going to get myself some fruit from the deli down stairs.  Lunch will be out...Grace and I go out to lunch on Wednesdays.  Somewhere pretty healthy hopefully...Jason's deli or maybe panera (I can get something OK here).  I don't know what I'm in the mood for, I'm sure it'll be fine!  Dinner tonight will be chicken and broccoli casserole.  It is going to be hot but I HAVE to make this chicken in my fridge before it goes bad! :)

TONIGHT/TODAY is another scorcher!  I know we'll run; it will probably just be MUCH LATER to let the earth cool...That's all I got for today!!

TTFN (214)

Monday, July 18, 2011

what a weekend...

Well...where do I begin?!?

Something is up with motivation is low (as I'm sure we all sensed in my last few posts).  I have gained 2lbs from last week.  My weekend eating is horrible!  At the pool we snack snack snack and not on such healthy stuff.  So here is a run down:

Friday night was my brother's birthday.  We went to my moms after work and hung out until dinner/cake time.  I had DJ run out to get us some snacks.  I ordered pico de gallo with avocado and whole grain tortilla chips.  OK, this isn't a horrible snack (except for the tortilla chips) but the problem is that I ATE ALOT OF IT!  Dang it...  Then dinner was Italian sausage with peppers and onions on a big white hoggie roll (with a little mayo).  Oh and my mom made her shrimp macaroni salad (with lots of mayo too).  Ouch but so delicious.  Then dessert was a tollhouse brownie cake.  YUM!  but I only had a little piece.  Lunch had been OK...a salad with some chicken and bfast had been good (a vitamuffin).  Oh and I just remembered...I had some really bad trail mix with candy in it (prob 300 cal worth).  Oh and to my credit, when we got home I ran a mile and a half!  WOOT FOR ME...eating bad - exercise good!

Saturday, I had to go to patient first with my big boy.  He got a splinter in his foot at mom's on Friday night and we couldn't get it out so we relied on the experts at Patient First.  It was a success but that meant we didn't get home until almost 10a.  There was no run :(  But I did power clean my whole house.  I mean crazy woman out the grout in my bathroom with a toothbrush cleaning, vacuuming the ceiling cleaning...CRAZY!  I used this as my exercise credit for the day :)  So what did we do the rest of the day?  We went to the pool...I snacked on a few chips but all in all it wasn't a BAD food day.  Then for dinner we got sushi (spicy tuna, cali, phili (DJ), salmon avacado - all good choices).  I may have had a tiny dish of ice cream...but that was pretty much it!

Sunday, I woke up around 6am and went for a run.  Then we got ready for breakfast at the diner (weekend ritual) and church.  At the diner I get the same thing each week.  2 eggs over medium with rye toast and potatoes.  When we got home, I started getting us ready for the pool.  Lunch I packed...sandwiches on again white hoggie rolls.  sliced chicken breast with a little cheese, tomato and light mayo.  CHIPS...UGG!  I ate alot of chips!!!  I've gotta do away with the chips.  I'm becoming an impulsive eater!!  Dinner last night was a quesadilla (I made) with a tiny bit of cheese some pico de gallo and a little light sour cream.  Dessert: another SMALL scoop of double churned light ice cream. 

My weekend wasn't TOO HORRIBLE but it was bad enough to bring me up to a weight I don't want to discuss.  I know my week days are under control, now I just need to get my weekends under control.  DAMN POOL :(  LOL  Oh and I didn't green monster AT ALL this weekend :( 

Back to it today...I've packed a small salad (greens, grape toms, cucs, lemon vinaigrette), I made a batch of my beans and rice with chicken yesterday and was able to get 4 lunch containers packed with it (3/4 C brown rice, can of black beans (rinsed), 1/2 C frozen corn, chicken breast diced, 2/3 C. Pico de gallo).  This is the whole recipe and I broke it out into 4 tupperware for this week's lunches.  I know it has alot of carbs but I really crave that at lunch time so hopefully it will stop me from snacking too much.  Breakfast will be a GM and vita muffin and I'm enjoying my coffee with 1tbsp cream right now.  Dinner tonight will be baked ziti but I'll only have 1 CUP and hopefully Terri will be up to running (she just got home from vacay). 

That's all I've got...TTFN!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pool Days

I LOVE going to the pool.  I love the time with the kids, I love the sun, I love that Livie takes good naps there, you name it!!!  The only problem with the pool is the ice cream and snacking!  I can't seem to get a handle on it.  This is probably the cause of the mysterious plateau!!  I've decided I'm going to write down EVERYTHING I eat this weekend...I'll update yall on Monday!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It's official I've hit a plateau.  I can say that b/c I've been doing really well with exercise and eating right (I need to improve my weekend habits but...all in all I've been doing well).  And I'm sticking with the same weight since last week...ICK!

I know I'll move past it but this makes motivation difficult.  I'll just keep plugging away.

Note: I even ran last night in temps in the 90s!!!  Tonight is an outing with La...little GNO :)  We'll be at BoneFish, I think I can be good here :)

TTFN all...217

Monday, July 11, 2011


My Mood is GREAT!!!  I'm not sure what happened over the last week but I'm elated lately.  I'm thinking this is because my stress quotent is decreased GREATLY!!!  I'm so happy to report that I feel like my old self again!  I'm running, monstering and eating well *I'm sure this is part of it* :)

This weekend I did well food wise.  I had lots of fruit and veggies.  I had GNO on Saturday night where I got a tuna/mango wrap that I'm going to crave b/c it was SO DELICIOUS!  I went a little crazy on Tortilla Chips but nothing too crazy :)

Today I had a veggie sausage, english muffin, cheese breakfast sandwich.  Lunch was a veggie burger/english muffin sandwich, salad with a new lemon vinegrette dressing I'm loving.  Snacks included my monster, some tricuits, pineapple and a gala apple.  Dinner tonight will be chicken fajitas. I will C25k tonight even though it is like 100* outside - OUCH!  Work is good, Home is good, Life is good...let's see how long this lasts...TTFN!

Friday, July 8, 2011

How do I look to others?

I was thinking this morning that I feel good about the way I look today, I like my outfit (and that it is something I didn't think would fit, but when I put on the skirt this morning - IT DID!), I think my hair is kinda cute today...etc.  I wonder how other people see me?!?  Of course I'll never truly know, nor should I really care but I'm just wondering what people say when they look at me?  Do they care?  Do they say, wow that girl is cute?  Do they say, What was she thinking??  LOL...most of this is just my neurosis but some of it is probably true to life.  I guess I should just take the stance that I don't care what other people think (easier said than done)...

So on to the serious stuff :)
Wednesday, I fell b/c of the stupid wedge shoes I was wearing.  I twisted my ankle and I did something to my shoulder (as I was trying to catch myself).  Anyway, I'm all achy now :(  I haven't used it as an excuse but I'm hurtin.  Last night Terri and I did run.  We did our 2 mile treck and talked about running in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure in October.  I created a team "Floyds Friends" and I'm pretty excited about it!

Food today will be a little crazy, morning will be some koshi cereal with almond milk and monster.  Snack is triscuit and lunch will have to be out.  Either I'll pick something up at Wegmans' when I go their to run errands later today or I'll be meeting a friend for lunch at Jason's Deli.  We'll see :)

Tonight we were invited to a Happy Hour at our pool.  We're pretty excited to meet new people at the pool and in our community.  I'm making a low fat Taco Dip and bringing a pitcher of margaritas!  YUM

Running will be out of the question but I will take on the road first thing tomorrow morning.
TTFN 217.5 (God knows where this weight is coming from)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Get Back on Track

I need to get back on track.  I'm having motivation issues due to the stress I'm experiencing in my life right now.  I'm not sure what is going on but my motivation right now is LOW and I'm kinda eating whatever I want.  I know I need to knock this off b/c I've GOT to keep up the hard work I've done this year (so far).  I really want to drop those 15lbs by September first. 

Then by the end of the year I really want to be a 175.  COME ONE APRIL!!!  YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

I need to make some drastic changes...
  • no more snacks after 6pm
  • MUST run every day!!!
  • Refined Carbs at ONE MEAL ONLY. 
So I WILL run tonight and the only refined Carbs I'll have will be breakfast (cereal) even though it is 100% whole grain, I'm using sweetened vanilla almond milk.  I'll have my monster *of course* and lunch today will be a veggie burger with a slice of cheese on a 100% whole wheat english muffin.  I'm also having a small salad.  Snacks will be triscuits and low fat motz string cheese.  I really wanted to pack an apple but we're out.  Tonight for dinner will be Salsa chicken (I think) and tonight I'm running with Terri. 

I will push myself...I will not wimp out...I WILL run more than normal.  DONE!
OK, let's see how this goes :)  TTFN

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I finally made it on here following our trip...
Ireland was AMAZING!!!

Wonderfully I only gained 3 lbs and I've pretty much lost that.  We ate and ate and ate!  It was a wonderful trip full of amazing memories.  I was VERY happy however to get home and (a) spend time with my kids and (b) get back to my routine.  I had a monster first thing Wednesday morning and ran too.  I'm back on routine and feeling pretty good.

I have a new goal: losing 15 lbs before September 1st!  I can do this.  I want to get down to 199 (under the dreaded 200)!!!  I can do this.  Time to email Terri about running tonight :)

TTFN all, I'll be back to a regular schedule now!