
Thursday, September 12, 2013


Every moment of every day and in everything we do we have a choice.  The key to success is making the RIGHT choices...This is what I'm struggling with recently.  I seem to be making MOSTLY good choices but when I make bad ones they are really bad.  

Here is what I'm talking about.

Lunch yesterday was from Jimmy John's and the pictures are rough b/c I was in a meeting and trying to take pictures without anyone noticing.  I had 3 small pieces of sub and they were veggie but the bad choice was...DID YOU REALLY NEED 3?  The bread at JJs is addictive...
I only had a few of the jalepeno chips...they were spicy and I did have a cookie.  I SHOULD have just done the chips b/c although the cookie was good it wasn't GREAT...

Dinner was a "good choice" salad with dressing on the side and I only dipped my fork and used very little but was preceded by spinach dip?!  See what I mean?>!?

Fun with my baby girl at the mall was the highlight :)  then she helped give mommy a pedi :)
Yes that is a binky and yes she is 3...she only gets it at night night time and she LOVES it :)

Today I had a seminar early now I'm working from home...  You can see the choices and although they are OK, they are not brilliant...
Mmmmm Chipotle and that is my amazing chobani at the top right LOVE THAT STUFF!

I'll figure out these choices.  IF I can make all good choices for a full week I know I will get my groove back.  I also need a kitchen (said the broken record)

more later

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kitchen wonder...

Hi Friends :)

When I walked into my house last night I was astonished...
They put down all new sub floor and taped out my island...I'm so excited :)  Electrician (aka my BIL) will be there today and and drywall will happen next week along with the floors.  Then cabinets should be in the week of 23rd or 30th at the latest.  Once that is in they will mark the granite and that will be the final step before they finish the floors and voila - April FINALLY has a kitchen :)

Pretty sure my Dom has migraines so last night was tough... it is always the same.  He gets sluggish, I ask what is wrong and he says he has a headache.  Then within 30 minutes he pukes, goes to sleep and wakes up fine.  Last night he fell asleep at 6:30 and unfortunately that means he was in our room at 4am WIDE AWAKE!  UGG...I'm sleepy - HENCE my coffee :)

Who am I kidding?  I don't need an excuse to need coffee :)

Can I just tell you how amazing this Chobani is????

It is truly amazing.....If you can find it - BUY it and EAT it!!!  :)  #heaveninacup

My day will be interesting...I have meetings most of the day and lunch will be brought in; no idea what it will be.  

Note: I'm 100% aware that since I was up at 4am it would have been a perfect opportunity to get to the gym and I should have just gotten my A$$ out of bed but I didn't... BOO APRIL!!!

Time to get to it...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Explanation of self loathing...

What is wrong with me?  Why can't I get back into this?  Why?!?!  I just want to flip a switch and be "healthy girl" again.  Instead I am eating like a monster and honestly...loathing myself for it.

Excuses...I'm 100% aware that Aunt Flow is about to rear her ugly head.  I have the zits and rage to prove it....  I think this is going to be a bad one and I'm just not making the best choices.  #nothappy

I think I'll have to go against doctor's orders and get back to the gym.  I may try to go early in the morning again...that worked last time.  Perhaps 5/530 am?  And once I have a kitchen I know my eating will get better...I'm craving healthier stuff, so that is good :)

I'll keep ya'll posted.

Regarding the weekend...even if I'm not happy with the way I look and eat...I am happy in general.  I had a GREAT weekend that included fire pit at my house, then soccer with the boys and  a girls night out Sat, closing out the weekend with the O's game on Sunday.  GREAT TIME!!!  Here are some pictures...

FOOD WAS HORRENDOUS!!!  and it continues :/

I'll keep this thing going even if it is a day I'll snap out of it.  Hopefully before I weigh 1000#


not proud of myself - more later

Friday, September 6, 2013

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Hi Friends...
Happy Friday!!!

But first...back to yesterday afternoon/evening.  I rocked the afternoon with snacks to include 


OK...maybe the take 5 wasn't rockin from a health perspective but it was rockin from a "get in my belly" perspective.  It was a little one and it was DELICIOUS!!!

Dinner was pasta salad and broccoli  

I sat down to watch the Raven's game and then the shit hit the fan and I started in on the buffalo chicken dip!!! WTH April?!?  I am out of control these days.  The only thing I have to say to myself is MOVE ON :)

This morning was pretty great.  The weather is gorgeous and my drive in this morning was trafficless (not sure why but I'm not complaining).  I even stopped at DD for a treat:

Lunch was left overs from dinner last night...YUM and my snacks were delish

Can I just say that I'm in love with Chobani bite?!  I have discovered that I love chocolate chips in my greek yogurt...feels so luxurious :)

Time to get but butt in gear for the rest of my afternoon then I'm headed off to prep for firepit!!!  YAY!!!  We have all the neighbors over for fun friday's at the floyds to include a firepit :)


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Donut Sabotage

The scale this morning was a disaster.  I won't be too hard on myself but HOLY CRAP, I was a little shocked...

This morning started with a coffee on the way to work then I sit down at my desk and get this email:

WTF?!!!!  SABOTAGE!!!...Gee thanks Lori!!!

I held strong and had oatmeal instead

DANGER:  3 munchkins may have happened (not proud but honest)

This afternoon I was thinking about a trip across the water but with my crazy calendar I've decided to do that tomorrow.  Since I stupidly forgot to pack my lunch this morning another salad happened:
Chicken, carrots, almonds, asparagus, crunchy noodles and thai peanut dressing (just a tiny bit).  Honestly there was barely any dressing on this salad.  It wasn't very flavorful but healthier so I'll take it :)  

The afternoon will be easier since I have offsite meetings and I don't have to sit here being faced with the Fishers Popcorn bin in my boss' office :/

More later...


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Margarita Maddness

I voted for a green monster instead of chocolate...SUCCESS!

Unfortunately after 2 hours in traffic dinner was Chick Fil A
It was delicious even if it wasn't technically the healthiest choice.  I should have gotten grilled chicken but I only used half the dressing packet :)  I still clocked it in at under 500 calories.

THEN I went to La Tolteca with my girlie La La...we had a great night and the margaritas were ROCKIN.  Some Chips and a Tamale may have happened :/

More tomorrow...all in all a great day!


Everyday after lunch I crave something sweet... DAMN chocolate in my bosses office :/

I'm going to try to stay strong...  I'm feeling kinda weak today tho

Stress Eater

I wish I was one of those people who couldn't eat when I was stressed.  I'm quite the opposite (and I'm not going to tell you what I ate last was epic).  My stress is through the roof today with work stuff.  I keep telling myself that the important things are my hubby and kiddos and everything else is trivial BUT how stressed and unhappy would I be if I didn't have a job at all?!  not that I'm in danger of that but still...

My stomach is in knots (thanks to work) but somehow I can still manage to inhale a salad :)  It was pretty good but I feel sicker now as a result.  Can't wait for my work life to return to normal (or maybe it never will)...


My salad consisted of chicken, grilled asparagus, carrots, beets, a little goat cheese, almonds and a few croutons.  My dressing with lemon herb vinaigrette (just a drizzle).

I think I'll listen to some music to chill me out :)  
I'll check in later...

Starting Over and Kitchen Nightmares this happened?!

The decline started when I moved to my new job.  I got busier and my schedule got crazier...  That is a whole lot of excuses but the truth.  I need to get back to where I was - desperately.

Here are my current issues...(get ready for more excuses):
1.  I have bad feet and my pediatrist said I can't exercise for at least another 2 months.  I have planters fasciitis and heel spurs in both feet (although the left is worse).  I started cortisone treatments last week and they worked at first but the pain after this weekend was awful.  I may need to have surgery...  The pain is ridiculous :/

2.  I don't even think about what I'm eating...I eat junk and feel tired all the time.  I know I should be making better choices but my will power is at an all time low

3.  I hate the way I self esteem is also at an all time low.  

4.  Even before my feet were bad, I wasn't exercising.

5.  I'm really disappointed in myself

6.  My stress is insane #jobdrama #nokitchen #NOKITCHEN

7.  I HAVE NO KITCHEN!  My kitchen flooded 2 months ago and the insurance company and mortgage company have been giving us the runaround.  We are FINALLY going to get work started next week :)  Food has been interesting.  I can't really cook at all.  We grill alot and use my babycakes (you can see it on the counter), microwave and my darling SIL has allowed us to borrow her quesadilla maker (which we use for ALOT more than quesadilla :)  
 (isn't it just beautiful??)

8.  I've recently become really disappointed in some people in my life.  #realfriends

Alright my dear April...
Time to get this show on the road.

Even if I can't exercise, I can start eating right...
Today started with my love COFFEE (XL DD w/ half and half) and some egg whites with spinach, ham and potatoes.  Maybe not the BEST choice but better then the bacon egg and cheese bagel I really wanted :)

Note to self...start packing lunches :)  

More to come later today...
I am hoping that if I start asking my dear blog to keep me could mean I can get back on track.  #motivation