Every other blog I read is doing a top 10 something of 2011...I think I'll jump on the band wagon and list my top 10 discoveries of 2011. 2011 was a HUGE year of discoveries for Ms. April Marie Floyd. Well it all started around February 1, 2011. I started a cleanse and through this year I've discovered some AMAZING things about myself and about who I want to be... Here we go
My Top Ten Discoveries of 2011
I Love being a 90% Vegetarian. I eat meat from time to time but I really love and almost always choose a vegetarian options.
Photo Journaling about my food is the BEST most EFFECTIVE way I've ever found to ground me about my food choices...well and you guys. Anyone who reads this, you ground me! I have to admit before I put anything to my lips or decide if I wanna wimp out on a run "do I want to admit this to my readers?" I LOVE THIS!!! Thank you to all of you in my little cyber world for being there (or at least letting me think you're out there)
I can not and will not ever again try to survive without COFFEE!! Oh and if anyone is listening I want a Keurig :) LOL
I discovered that I CAN HAVE IT ALL. Excuses were a part of my life in the past but not now. NO longer do I "not have time", "not have energy", you name the excuse. I allow myself to be honest if I want to bail on something but where would I be if I allowed my knee pain from March/April of this year stop me?!?! I certainly wouldn't be where I am today. Oh and for the record?! That pain was a result of my size *which has diminished now I'm smaller*
I really really really learned about nutrition. I no longer take the word of others...I do the research myself. As a result I can now decider for myself what is a real whole grain and what isn't. I have learned how to truly read a food label and it has very little to do with the calories and fat. I know this has had a HUGE impact on my success this year.
I CAN STILL LOVE FOOD...hence this blog. I can love all food and make healthier choices. If I want something I can still have it (in moderation) :) I REALLY LOVE THIS DISCOVERY!
I discovered that I LOVE to run. On February 1, 2011 I never would have believed it to be possible. I'd NEVER run a day in my life...not even an inch unless it was to get out of the way of fast moving traffic, LOL. I am truly amazed that I have accomplished this little feat. I would have to say it isn't so much the running as the moving. I only let myself have off 1-2 days a week. I exercise nearly every day! EVEN HOLIDAYS! I HEART TO EXERCISE. I love the way it makes me feel. I love that if I feel yucky about my food, or stressed or overwhelmed...all I need to do is lace up my sneakers :)
I can inspire people. This is one of my most amazing accomplishments this year. I have made a difference for other people and that isn't what I started out to do...an amazing perk of this transformation of mine.
I discovered the Green Monster and it has literally changed my life.
This isn't a new discovery but in my quest it has come more into focus for me... I LOVE MY LIFE! I love my husband, I love my kids, I love my family, my friends, my dog, my house, my neighbors/neighborhood, my job, my health, my style, my quirkiness...well you name it. I LOVE MY LIFE!
SO I guess that about does it for 2011...but before I leave you to go to bed (at 10pm on New Years Eve) LOL...I need to share my final 2011 Food Journal :)
Here goes:
Mom bought each of us (me, bro, sis) a Baby Cakes (donut maker) for Christmas and at first I thought..."does she even know who I am?!!?" LOL I quickly realized this could be a tool for me to make HEALTHY DONUTS. YAY!!!! I modified and created the most amazing Donuts this morning and they were AMAZING! I swapped whole wheat flour for regular and used buttermilk *low in calories and fat, FYI* The boys couldn't even tell I'd modified the recipe to make it healthier :P
It was fun to decorate and top them. I made a lemon glaze and a ganache dip. We topped them with jimmies, peanuts, Reese chips...you name it!
I was hungry around 10am and I grabbed this bag of chips, ate 2 of them and put them back.
I decided to make a yogurt parfait instead...Mmmmm and GOOD CHOICE!
I ran some errands and I at Giant for some groceries and decided I wanted a big salad for lunch. This is a HUGE salad and I ate the whole thing...Mmmmmmmmm
After lunch...the sun came out and the weather was GORGEOUS so Mason rode his bike and I took Rocky for a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood. It was GREAT and it was nice to have 60 degree temps on New Years Eve :)
Later this afternoon I prepped our New Years Feast... I made buffalo chicken dip and a stromboli.
Here is my plate. I had some chips with buffalo dip and a little piece of stromboli (I may of had another small slice of stromboli later) LOL
Had to have a beer on NYE right?!
Then the boys were the most excited about this:
I made a little sundae bar for them to make their own sundaes. I had a half scoop of ice cream, some melted PB, peanuts, sf caramel, ff whipped cream, banana and spinkles. It was good but now my belly is upset. Guess I should go for a run...LOL (I'm not that much of a loser). Tomorrow is a new day and a new year for that matter, LOL!
Alright, that is it for this year! It has been amazing and I'm so thankful for so many blessings!
Good Night Neverland - TTFN