
Friday, February 24, 2012

I confess...

I have access to an amazing cafeteria and I steal condiments every day...
some salad dressing, ketchup for my eggs or the below for my veggie burger.
 It is nice to have access to grey poupon, YUM :)

Work was NUTS but that isn't news.  I did take an amazing walk today down by the harbor and since it was 65 degrees it was GORGEOUS!!!  I plan on doing that regularly! 


Then I met a very dear friend out for drinks at Outback
I chose this one...

and this is what it looked like...

The mango flavor was DEF my favorite! and I had a camera shy bluecheese chopped salad b/c I LOVE IT!

Now onto more important things...
While talking last night we moved onto the topic of dieting and eating and food and the lifelong battle.  I swear my conversations always end up on food.  It is very overwhelming to follow diet after diet after diet and track everything you eat and deprive yourself of this or that still to end up in the same or worse shape then when you started.  Oh and don't forget the emotional scars that come with the failure.  I was this girl...  I did the diets and actually had success with extreme weightloss until I stopped following said diet and then I ballooned right back to where I was (PLUS SOME). 

This is why last year I made a decision.  No more dieting!  No more tracking!  No more stressing!  I am only going to make a healthier choice and eat as clean as possible.  Now...April, what does that mean?!?! 
When given the choice of:
Steak or Cheeseburger, I choose Steak
Pasta or Wholewheat pasta, I choose wholewheat pasta
Low fat dairy or full fat dairy, I choose lowfat dairy
cupcake or fruit, I choose fruit
chips or pretzels, I choose pretzels
Bagel or Yogurt, I choose yogurt

Now onto clean eating.  I try to eat foods with as few ingredients listed on the back of a package as possible.  If it is fresh baked bread, fruit, meat (without preservatives), fresh veggies, yogurt, whatever...  If it is a food with ingredients on the package that I can't identify or pronounce, I don't eat it.  It is amazing to me some of the things I used to eat...thinking they were healthy but they really weren't b/c my body didn't know what to do with the chemicals.  Clean eating has helped me to make healthier choices naturally b/c most of them are the healthiest choices available..

My philosophy??
 - Don't deprive yourself, if you want it - have it just not ALOT of it
 - Everything is fine in moderation.  you don't have to eat the whole cake, just have a small slice
 - Eat mostly vegetarian, whole/clean foods
 - Exercise most days

Oh and one of the most important things I've learned this year?!?  When you are full? - STOP EATING! 

Alrigth ya'll I could go on and on about this stuff but...I have to get to work :)

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