If you wanna learn some stupid things about me read below...if not, skip this section - LOL
- Are you an innie or an outie? INNIE
- Can you make change for a dollar right now? NOPE, this won't surprise most of the people who know me b/c I NEVER have cash!!!! (My Dad's biggest pet peeve about me)
- Have you ever been in the opposite sex's public toilet? Unfortunately yes
- Have you ever written a poem? in elementary school
- Do you like catsup on or beside your fries? ALL OVER THE TOP
- Have you ever been a boy/girl scout? I think I was a brownie
- Have you ever written a book? NO...BAHAHAHA *I'm too ADD for that*
- Have you ever broken a mirror? YES, eek
- Are you superstitious? YES
- What is your biggest pet peeve? People who are late!!!
- Do you slurp your drink after it's gone? NO, it is annoying
- Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk? I'm sure I did when I was a kid
- Would you rather eat a Big Mac or a Whopper? EWWWW, GAG!
- Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? Shhhhh, my mom is reading this :)
- Would you ever parachute out of a plane? YES...Oh Hell YES!! I really wanna do this before I die!
- What's the most daring thing you've done? I think it was letting some Marines pierce my belly button :) ALOT of tequila was involved!
- When you are at the grocery store, do you ask for paper or plastic? Plastic, it is easier to carry
- True or False: You would rather eat steak than pizza. False, I love pizza
- Did you have a baby blanket? NO, but I had my thumb
- Have you ever tried to cut your own hair? YES
- How did that turn out? Not well...usually my bangs :( Once, I got a hair lodged in my tear duct and I had to have it surgically removed (sorry Amy)
- Have you ever sleepwalked? NO
- Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonalds? I think I did when I was little
- Can you flip your eye-lids up? NO, EWWW!
- Are you double jointed? YES :)
- If you could be any age, what age would you be? The age I am right now...Lovin my life :) But my 20s were a freakin blast!!!! I'm not sure I'd survive if I tried to do it again (sorry Mom)
- Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair? Yes
- Do you ride roller coasters? YES>>>HELL YES
- What's your favorite carnival ride? The Zipper
- What is your dream car? I actually hate cars, waste of money
- Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? YES, when I flipped the Explorer
- Can you pick something up with your toes? Yes :)
- Have you ever fallen asleep in school? Sad to say, YES...in college
- How many times have you flown in an airplane in the last year? once
- How many foreign countries have you visited? 1 - Ireland in 2011
OK...that was fun :) I love surveys
Now...what did we get into this weekend? I got nastalgic about some old pictures of hubby and me :)
Sunday = GO RAVENS...I had a great food day on Sunday but very few pictures made it onto my camera. Have you noticed this is a pattern on Sundays? LOL I did get a picture of my black bean quesidilla...YUM
Dom was playing with my camera...don't you LOVE his fu man chu?!?! - GO RAVENS!!!
Here is a better shot of both of their fu man chus :)
The Raven's WON!!! YAY!!!! On the way home (He got to GO TO THE GAME), hubby picked up subway *no pics* I'm a loser, sorry!
Today is MLK day and I had off!!! Well technically I'm unemployed since my last day at TESSCO was Friday and I don't start at Under Armour until tomorrow. I got to chill with the munchkins and it really just felt like and extended Sunday :) We had Eggs for Breakfast!
Then I went shopping with Meg and Mom. We went to Burtucci's for lunch and I had the house salad and their minestrone soup. I LOVE Minestronie soup! Mmmmmmmmm
You can't go to Burtuccis and not have some of their rolls, Mmmmmmmm
Mase has been asking for a steak sub all weekend so we indulged tonight. I had a chicken cheese steak and split more than half with him. It came complete with Waffle fries and after indulging, I was feeling icky so what did I do?!?!
RUN?>! YES!!! I did a mile and a half run while catching up with my girl Mel (on the phone, gotta love bluetoothes) then I met Terri and we did a nice 2 mile walk :) Felt great and now I'm sittin on the couch trying to make sure I have all my ducks in a row for tomorrow's BIG DAY!
My first day at Under Armour! I'm really excited about this little adventure in my career! The boys get to go to the Y and hang out tomorrow afternoon and I probably won't get home until later. I'll check in then, I'm gonna head up to bed. So....
That's it for now - TTFN!
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